Catch Up Time!

I’m not really sure what happened these past couple of weeks that has basically made me abandon this little ole blog. So here’s a super quick catch-up, rundown for all of you who care.

November 5, 2011 (Yes, I’m basically 3 weeks behind.) Geez Louise.

Georgia played New Mexico State. I don’t remember much about the game except it was freezing cold and Ryan and I left at halftime to go to Taylor’s wedding. But we won pretty handily, which was nice. Oh, and I ended up leaving my camera in the car during the game. Oops. And this was the first home game I didn’t wake up at 4:30 for in order to leave at 5. Yes, I hate it and I’m not that sad that football season is almost over because I no longer have to do that anymore! Yay!!

(The final score was 63-16.)

Ryan and I left at halftime to drive to Rome to go to his old roommate Brian’s sister’s wedding. It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding and the food was amazing. Except the groom’s cake was Auburn-themed, so we didn’t eat any of that. But it was fun to see Brian and Melissa and to hang out and dance. I also got to see one of mine and Sarah’s favorite bloggers, Lots of Scotts, even though she left before I could talk to her. Ryan and I left kinda early because we were both exhausted. Also, there was this little game between LSU and Bama that we wanted to watch. We made it home just in time for the 2nd half, but I ended up falling asleep before the game was over.

November 6, 2011

The next day, Ryan and I celebrated the first anniversary of our first date. It’s both hard to believe it’s been that long and hard to believe it’s only been a year.

November 7-11, 2011

I was able to go to Newport, RI with my internship to install a model home. It was an amazing experience and I’m so glad I got to go with them and do that! The house was beautiful and a perfect vacation home.

November 12, 2011

I woke up this morning in a foul mood. Georgia was playing Auburn at home, and I was exhausted from being gone all week and not getting in until after 9 Friday night. And I was not happy about getting up at 4:30 yet again. Needless to say, I got over it and the Dawgs played the best game of their life and played an awesome game against the War Tigers. Of course, being true Dawg fans, we were nervous the whole game that something was going to happen and screw everything up. But it didn’t!

November 13, 2011

The next day, the Falcons played the Saints at the Dome. Ryan’s brother and his family came to the game to tailgate. We all had a lot of fun playing with the kiddos.

November 14, 2011

The next day was Annie’s birthday, but since Whitney had class and Sarah had a Junior League meeting, so we celebrated a day early. We originally planned on Tin Lizzy’s, but she wanted Publix subs. And we just wanted her to be happy. Whitney bought her this tiny sweet potato pie and we put a candle in it and sang happy birthday!

November 17, 2011

This day was Ryan and mine’s “official” one year anniversary. We didn’t even see each other but it was ok. I went to hot yoga for the second time and became obsessed.

November 19, 2011

Last home game of the season. Bittersweet, for sure. This has been the first season that I have gone to every. single. game. Usually by the time the season’s over with, I’m ready. And this one is no exception. We needed this win to clinch the East and usually, Kentucky is an easy win and they’ve been especially bad this year. But of course, the Dawgs were hungover from such a great win over Auburn the weekend before and we played like crap. We won, though, so that’s all that matters.

Whew! And here we are. All caught up. Yay!!

Football Highs and Football Lows

Last weekend, we traveled to Knoxville, which is commonly known as the worst place on earth. It’s gross and filled with girls wearing orange overalls. Um, seriously?? If that ever becomes a trend at Georgia, I will quit going to games. Fortunately, it won’t because our colors aren’t orange. And really, nothing could ever keep me away.

We had a great day, though. After we got there, we headed to Buffalo Wild Wings to drink a few beers, watch some football, and eat lunch.

Thanks, Mikey.

Missing the other third of Team Shreve.

After BWW, we just walked around and hit up a few tailgates and went into the bookstore. So, so bad. So much orange. I’m still partially blind in my right eye from it all.

Then this old man offered to take a picture of us and Ryan insisted he get into the picture.

Soon, it was time to head into the stadium. The only smart thing Tennessee has ever done is spread the visiting fans along the top of the endzone, instead of giving us all our own section.

At halftime, Tennessee’s marching band performed the Wizard of Oz with S. Carolina being Steven Scarecrow, Kentucky being the Cowardly Lion looking for courage to play football, and Alabama being the Tin Man wanting a heart. And Georgia was the Wicked Witch of Georgia. I couldn’t find a video of Tennessee doing it, but I found one of Michigan doing it. Seriously?? More than one school has done this crap? It’s ridiculous. If I was a Tennessee fan, I would have been really embarrassed.

This is Ryan telling our offense to “line up in the I and run the ball.”

Yes, 4 holding penalties and a facemask equals 2nd down and 56. Finally, we all just started laughing. I mean, really??

But, who cares because we won!!!

Sunday morning, we slept in (!!!!!) and had breakfast at Waffle House before heading back to the greatest state in the Confederacy. And the continental United States. And the U.S. territories also. Because the Falcons were playing Green Bay that night. And it was a big game. Unfortunately, it was the football low and they lost. :( The worst part was they played good the first quarter and got our hopes up and then they were dashed.

Honoring Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Not the best picture of us….. But it’s still us.

If I’m being completely honest, I’d rather the Dawgs win than the Falcons though, so it was ok.

This weekend, we’re headed to NASHVILLE!!! Which is the best away game, ever. Seriously, if we didn’t need someone to play in Homecoming every other year, I would vote for Vanderbilt to be a road game every year!


Falcons vs. Eagles

Last year, I went to my first Falcons game.

And this year, I have season tickets.

I would have never thought that. But I love football, so it’s great although it does make for crazy weekends. At least we don’t go to Falcons away games too!

Sunday was the first regular season home game. It was nice because we didn’t have to get to the tailgate until almost 4! And as usual, I didn’t take any pictures at the tailgate. Boo.

I think we were all nervous for the game. Vick was back and he’s good. And I never realized how much people hated him in Atlanta.

But it was a great game and the Falcons won!

And most importantly, Samuel L. was in the HOUSE!!!!!!

2 pictures in one weekend! Whooo!

Ryan and his men

I forgot to get a picture of the scoreboard, but the final score was 35-31! It was stressful, but hopefully this is a sign of good things to come.

And the lady behind us didn’t sing her Julio song the whole night. Which was a relief because I would’ve had it stuck in my head all week.



A week ago….

Yes, I’m a whole week behind on this one. But, well, life gets in the way.

Last week was the last Falcons pre-season game. So of course, me, Ryan, Mikey, and Brian went.

Along with about 100 other people.

Just kidding. More people showed up before the game started. It was fun, even though the Falcons lost, and it got me ready for Saturday.

But obviously it didn’t get my Dawgs ready.


Also, big fan of this picture, even though it was taken on the ole iPhone.

I’m going to be watching a LOT of football this year. It’s a good thing my daddy raised me right.

And a good thing the Dawgs and Falcons wear the same colors. Otherwise, I’d be in trouble.

Potato Cupcakes and my first Falcons game

(Potato cupcake reference comes courtesy of Bernie. I’m just not that clever.)

Usually I feel like home games are a time where I can just go to the game and then I have all day Sunday to rest and just do nothing. Not this week.

After the Dawgs killed Idaho State, Sarah and I headed to Atlanta for the Falcons game on Sunday. But, as usual, I’m getting ahead of myself.

This week, Kathleen came up to Athens to come to the game with me. Always, once a year, there’s a game that just almost makes me want to cry it’s so boring. That was this game. Although the first quarter didn’t look so hot, the rest of the game was exhausting, just sitting there waiting for the clock to run out. But dang was it cold! We were in the shade the whole time and towards the end of the game, it was freezing over there! Fortunately, we brought some blankets in, otherwise I would have been VERY tempted to leave early!

Before the game, Michelle came and tailgated with us.

During halftime, they showcased the 1980 football team because it was their 30 year anniversary. It was awesome!

Me and little Kathleen.

Marialice and Charlie came and sat with us in the second half because everyone around us left and Charlie took this picture of us. Ma was freaking out about him using my camera, but I actually prefer this picture to the one above.

Dad made me take a picture of him and Mama and Lewis and Lewis’s stockbroker from New York City from the upper deck. She was hilarious.

I totally forgot to take a picture of the score, so here is Sarah’s shot of it. I’m still kinda pissed about those 7 points though.

5 wins! Alec doesn’t seem very happy about that, though. Rude.

After the game, Sarah and I headed back to Atlanta, but first we stopped at QT to get a drink and we saw Pease, Ross, and Miss Sharon! After we got back to Atlanta, Ryan and I went and had sushi and watched some football. Dang that sushi was good. I had been craving it all week.

Then on Sunday, after our extra hour of sleep(!!!!!), we went to the Falcons game! It was my first NFL game and it was awesome! One of my favorite parts was the Rise Up video featuring Samuel L. Jackson. I mean, how random?

There were some crazy Tampa Bay fans around us, too. This guy was turned around the whole time yelling, but my favorite was the guy sitting next to me wearing this shirt. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen anyone in real life wearing that shirt.

We had to sit a few rows apart, which was totally fine. It’s so nice to sit in real seats that have back rests and cup holders. They should definitely put those in Sanford, in the non-student sections.

Of course, we can’t forget Sarah and her future hubby. He’s going to have so much fun caravaning across the country in RVs with us!

Unfortunately, I failed once again at getting a picture of the scoreboard, but the final was 27-21, Cones victorious.

And of course, the customary group shot after the game.

I really am so tired and don’t have any clever way to wrap this up, except to say it was a great weekend full of my 3 favorite words that start with f (Not THAT one!!!): Football, Friends, and Food!

And tomorrow we’re headed to the Plains to take on Auburn. We’re probably going to get our asses kicked. Oh well. Cam Newton’s going to win the Heisman, Auburn’s going to win the National Championship and then it’s all going to be taken away because he took a bunch of money. Maybe.